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July 19th, 2007 by Jamie Estep

Some Verifone terminals may be going away

Filed in: Credit Card Equipment | 2 comments

I just learned that Verifone is rumored to be planning on phasing out a lot of their current terminals, for technical reasons. Supposedly, by the beginning of next year it looks like we will be using an entirely different line of Verifone terminals.

Among those that are rumored to be going away are the Omni 3740, 3750, and the Nurit 8000. These will be replaced by the Verifone VX 570, and the Lipman Nurit 8200 / 8020 (?? – Not entirely sure on this one). The VX 610 still hasn’t gotten off the ground, and because of past performance, I think they will stick with another wireless terminal based on the Nurit line.

There hasn’t been any official release from Verifone about this, but if it plays out, Verifone will be scrambling to get processors to certify and support the newer terminals this fall. Additionally, I don’t think this will have any effect on current 3750 or 8000 users, as these terminals are still very new, and the impact would be huge on the current processing industry, if they stopped supporting these.

Overall, this is not bad news, since the price of the Omni’s and most other Verifone terminals recently went up, while the VX 570 stayed about the same. Anyway, be watching Verifone over the next few months to see if this actually plays out.

2 Responses to “Some Verifone terminals may be going away”

  1. Justin McMurtry July 22, 2007 at 2:50 pm

    Although it’s a little hard to get to, you can find a statement from VeriFone about the future of the Omni 3740/3750 terminals. It’s in the FAQ section of the VeriFone Academy online training module for Vx Solutions. The statement reads:

    What will happen with the Omni 3740 and Omni 3750?

    The Omni 3740 and Omni 3750 meet current industry security standards. But effective January 1, 2008, it will be mandatory that all payment devices be PCI-PED approved for added security. Neither the Omni 3740 nor Omni 3750 are PCI-compliant, so they will be phased out and replaced with the next generation countertop product, the Vx 570.

    For more details about the impact of the forthcoming PCI-PED deadline of 1/1/08, see questions 36–39 and 42 in the General PED FAQ [PDF] that’s available at the Visa Partner Network website.

  2. Art Miller September 9, 2007 at 1:38 pm

    Is the omni 3200 in compliance? I understand in the event of a power loss, this machine may not print securely.