All In One Ecommerce Solutions
An all-in-one ecommerce solution is a system that is usually set up through a hosting or merchant service company. This system includes everything a merchant needs to setup an online store. There are a number of reasons for and against this type of system.
The reason that this is not a good system is because you are going through a single company for all of your needs. Most companies only specialize in a single area, so when they offer services in multiple areas they are sacrificing the quality of the individual services. We recommend using separate services for your ecommerce. By doing business this way you can switch companies if you are unhappy with any of the services. You will need a website host, and web designer, and a merchant service provider. It is very easy to integrate these systems together, and by using businesses that work mainly in their specialized area, you will get the highest quality service for your business. Our company commonly works with web designers and hosting companies and we rarely have any problems getting a processing system to work.
The benefit of an all in one ecommerce system is that all of your services are provided through a single company so there is less work on your part to get up and running. If you are unhappy with one service and would like to switch to another company, you will either have to live with it, or change everything. This is why we recommend using separate companies. Switching a single service is a relatively easy task, but switching all of your services can be extremely difficult. Most all in one solutions are also proprietary, meaning that they will not work with other hosts or merchant service providers, so you are locked into their system. The merchant is literally at the mercy of their provider and if the provider changes fees or rates it is often more trouble than the merchant wants to deal with to switch, so the merchant is stuck paying more than necessary.